How to Make a Website for Free Publicity of Your Business to Raise Sales
Tutorial 1: Introducing you to the course and why it is important to have an optimised website.
How to create website using wordpress?
Tutorial 2: Setting up the Website using hosting provider with quality customer support.
How to login WordPress admin?
Tutorial 3: Here you will learn how to login into WordPress dashboard to start designing website
Introducing you to WordPress Dashboard
Tutorial 4: Let’s introduce you to WordPress dashboard. You will find all the tools that are needed for website development.
How to install themes in WordPress?
Tutorial 5: You can install predesigned website theme in Word Press by following step by step guide in the article.
what is website title and how to set up title?
Tutorial 6: Website title will explain to the world what this website is all about. This is perquisite for search engines to rank websites.
How to Setup homepage for a website?
Tutorial 7: At present your theme looks dull and boring. Time to change homepage of website to make it attractive.
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