ABSL Flexicap Fund- Return, Performance, Portfolio.

ABSL Flexicap Fund- Return, Performance, Portfolio.


ABSL Flexicap fund investment objective is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in equity & equity related instruments across market cap (large, mid & small) companies.

The scheme follows top down and bottom up approach in stock picking.  Fund manager will select the stocks on the basis of strong fundamentals to exploit long term opportunities. However, if he feels that short term opportunities is there that is good for the portfolio than he will add that stock too.

Prepayment of loan

Asset Allocation Pattern

Instruments Risk Profile Normal Allocation
Equity & Equity related instruments (across large, mid and small cap companies)
65% – 100%
Debt & Money Market Instruments
Medium to Low
0% – 35%


  • The Scheme may also invest upto 35% of its net assets in foreign securities in case fund manager feel good for portfolio .
  • The Scheme also hedge the portfolio using derivative instruments as may be introduced from time to time subject to framework specified by the SEBI.
  • The cumulative gross exposure to equity, equity related instruments, debt, money market instruments and derivative position cannot exceed 100% of the net assets of the Scheme.
  • The Scheme has flexibility to invest in any  debt and money markets as permitted by SEBI / RBI from time to time.

Fund Manager's Profile

Anil Shah
Mr. Anil Shah

Mr. Anil Shah is a Senior Fund Manager at  Aditya Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Limited . He has three decades of experience in Indian equity markets. He has worked  15 years with RBS Equities (India) Limited  for around 15 years.He is  a qualified Chartered Accountant  and Cost Accountant. 

Vinod Bhat
Mr. Vinod Bhat

Mr. Vinod Bhat ia a Fund Manager and comes with an experience of 18 years including 12 years in the financial markets.  He is a CFA and done MBA in Finance from Warton University of Pennysylvania. He has completed Bachelor degree in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering from IIT Bombay. He has worked with Ocean Park  Advisors (USA) and Credit Suisse.

He looks after overseas investment in ABSL Flexi cap fund.


Scheme Performance

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ABSL Flexi cap fund has  launched on 27th Aug 1998 and managing Rs. 12,830  crore as on 18th March 2021. Now let’s explore the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) performance of the scheme in order to find out how much fund has generated the return? This will give us a fair idea of whether the scheme is worth investing and will able to achieve our financial planning goals or not through systematic Investment Plan (SIP). 

We will take an example of Rs 10000 SIP per month investment to find out the return both in percentage and money Value. First lets evaluate the SIP performance based upon percentage.

SIP Performance Based Upon Percentage

ABSL Flexi cap fund

Now lets evaluate the SIP performance based upon money value.

SIP Performance Based Upon Percentage

ABSL Flexicap fund

Scheme Portfolio

Company Wise Asset Alocation

  • ICICI Bank: 9.53%
  • HDFC Bank: 8.26%
  • Infosys: 6.95%
  • Bharti Airtel: 5.43%
  • Dr. Reddy’s lab: 5.33%
  • HCL Technologies: 3.56%
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals: 3.17%
  • Bajaj Finance: 2.62%
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank: 2.5% 

Sector Wise Asset Alocation

  • Financial : 31.73%
  • Technology: 12.69%
  • Healthcare: 11.94%
  • Metals: 5.68%
  • Communication: 5.43%
  • FMCG: 5.07%
  • Energy: 3.99%
  • Chemicals: 3.88%
  • Engineering: 3.06% and others 16.53%.


The scheme has proved to be wealth creator for the investors and great tool for financial planning. In order to help you in investing in this scheme easily, we have provided you a link below.

Buy online through company website link.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. vasugupta786

    One of the best video I have ever seen about Mutual funds

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